W O R K I N C O R P O R A T I N G N E O N / L I G H T
The below is a more complete list of my back catalogue by year (though I know a few pieces are missing) - many of the below are not in the online shop as they are already sold out.
For additional information on any of the pieces i.e. to see if they are available and to find detail including sizes, materials and prices, please check the entry in the online shop or email me via the contact page or at info@rococowonderland.com. For the Confirmation Bias series of neons (the ones with the question mark lights) please see here instead: https://rebeccamasonneon.com/confirmation-bias-series
The works are grouped by release year. However some started (with the neon part ready) 2-5+ years prior to actual release of the finished piece with a background - you can follow the progress of new work on my instagram page @rebecca_mason_art, where I tend to post in progress shots, particularly the neon light glass as soon as it is made etc (even where a background piece is not yet ready), given I take so long to actually finish stuff*.
To see which glass words I have ready and lit but have not yet finished the background to, please visit my work in progress page, as I do not always post them here.
Live, Laugh, Love! (errr v1)
Human Beings Being Human (errr v2)
Pump Up The Volume (aka Muted) - released 2020 (glass “muted” word from 2018 though)
Warm white copy of my 2016 piece “Do You Hear Yourself When You Speak? (the third and final copy in the total edition of three including the two from 2016, albeit all slightly different, copies of the artwork with this name).
WIP PENDING A BACKGROUND. Also in a warm white light, plus one coming in pink too once I have made it. Still drafting the background text.
WIP pending a background…currently writing it
wip for an exciting collab….background coming soon. An update to my 2016 ‘play’ piece.
Work in progress - pending a background which I am currently working on. An update to my 2016 ‘play’ piece.
An update to my 2015 “why?” piece - I made the above copy of “why?” in 2020 (my original why neon was five years earlier) so I could do a second version of the artwork as a second was always intended - the one I released in the past (2017, though using the light from 2015) had a short snappy background but back then I planned to do a more detailed background too - that is still in progress and now I have made the glass for it, I’ll hopefully get the background finished soon.
Work in progress - pending a background (which I am currently writing). Flashes from THIS to (sequentially) S then H then I then T.
Work in progress - pending a background (which I am currently writing)
Mind Games (2018). Neon word “play” released 2016.
Who Is Winning? Neon (light) part was from 2015. Finished piece with background was released 2018.
Don't Let The Little Children Come To Me (2018) - installation. This is part of the installation (the rest includes the word "shame" hanging on a hangman's noose to the side of the cage).
'Middle Class Artist Who Cannot Draw Or Paint Very Well" (quote)
"Going Up In Smoke And Mirrors" (fake). Neon part (“fake”) was released in 2015. Final piece with background released 2018.
2018 UNFINISHED: Work in progress - neon part to a piece...just writing the background
2018 UNFINISHED: 2018 work in progress. Background design pending.
2018 UNFINISHED: Work in progress/unfinished: The final piece will be named This One Goes Out To Me. Just working on the background at the moment.
2017: UNFINISHED. Neon word "feel" released in 2017 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2017: UNFINISHED. Neon word "DIVERSION" released in 2017 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2016: UNFINISHED. Neon words "The end?" released in 2016 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2016: UNFINISHED. Neon word "PLAY" released in 2016 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2015: UNFINISHED. Neon words "THE GAME" released in 2015 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2015: UNFINISHED. Neon word "FAKE" released in 2015 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2015: UNFINISHED. Neon words "white black" released in 2015 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2015: UNFINISHED. Neon word "SPIRIT" released in 2015 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
2015: UNFINISHED. Neon word "WHY?" released in 2015 and in 2017 with a first background but still pending a second background design. I will finish the second background soon (ish).
2014: UNFINISHED. Neon word "LOVERS" which flashes to "OVER" released in 2014 but still pending a background. I will finish the background soon (ish).
*E.g. most of the 2017 releases below were actually started (with the neon light glass being ready and publicised online multiple times) in 2015, it just took a long time to finalise the text/design/idea. For that reason I have now started including images of the glass from unfinished pieces below so the year in which the neon glass was done (and usually posted online) can be seen too.