C O M I N G S O O N : W O R K I N P R O G R E S S
Here are some of the artworks I have in progress. In some cases, this glass (that is the neon light bit) has been ready for over 5 years (so not sure how "coming soon" they actually are...) but I haven't yet finished the background for them to sit on. It usually takes me between 6 months and 3 years (!) to write the background text how I want it, including the words themselves, the layout, images etc. All are copyright Rebecca Mason Art.
I always post the neon light glass (forming my work in progress) as soon as it is done - usually this is on my instagram page, which helps as a date stamp for copyright purposes re when my neon words were created (even if it then takes me a few years to finish the background they will sit on). Some of the below glass was bent by me, in other cases I had it bent for me because I wasn’t able to do those letters yet/needed them done quickly for various reasons - for the ones not all bent by me, I often now remake the glass myself before releasing the final piece, so the final glass may look a little different. I sometimes offer that older glass for sale once I have made my own copy.
2017. Background to this one is also pending. The neon will sit on top of an acrylic or aluminium background with an image/text underneah.
2018. WIP. Background pending.
2018. WIP. Background pending.
2019 WIP. “THIS`’ which flashes sequentially to “S” then “H” then “I” then “T” then back to “THIS”.
2020: wip “RESET”, part of my “RE-Collection”
This is part of my Confirmation Bias series - most pieces are limited edition prints only although I am integrating neon lighting into a few of them.